Social Media..

I have been on social media for 20+ years in various forms. In the last 15 years I have used it in various forms with ebbs and flows. Right now I am at a ebb more than a flow. Twitter decided to become X and it has deteriorated more and more the last year. I was a big Facebook user and then I was not. When Google came out with their Google+ (Google Plus) social media service it was truly a great experience that I was not prepared for to be so good. The ideas and concepts was a refreshing way to engage in the world of social media. BUT like all things Google they shut it down.

I then made my way back to Twitter and Facebook but it was not a fun experience.

Now I am at a moment of clarity. I am taking the time to document my thoughts as well as make progress towards my goals. Social Media is a tool often used as a means. For me it is just a glimmer of myself that I share rather than my full self. I prefer the face to face engagement of friendship rather than the speaking to the world that social media offers.

I enjoy a good discussion, argument or such BUT I also need the conversation to be heard by both rather than straw-man arguments and goalpost moving. If we cannot agree on some basic facts then we more than likely will not have a good discussion. I tend to walk away from people that do not have the ability to actually discuss how they feel and share what they think. I do not agree with people but I still allow them to express their views without feeling like they are not seen.

I say all of this to say I am not as talkative as I once was BUT I am almost always thinking.